18 Deer In The Yard

Yesterday around 3 pm three deer came out of the woods into our back yard to eat.  With the arrival of Spring and snow melt, the deer are really enjoying the grass salad.  After the first group of three came out, another two joined.  Small family group after group came out to eat, until we finally had 18 deer in the yard.  What a sight to see!  Eventually they all turned tails up and ran quickly back into the woods, and then a man appeared in the lane walking his german shepherd.  Nothing scares deer like the sight of a wolf (or near wolf in this case).


Later we had eight deer in the front year eating.  They came and went peacefully, as there was no threat to them this time.

I really enjoy watching these graceful creatures go about their daily lives.  With the longer days and fresh food, the unborn fawns are growing rapidly now.  In another six weeks the pregnant does will push away their young from last year, and stake out an area for the new fawns to be born.  By late June we should be seeing the fawns in the lawn following mother around.

What Can I Say?

What can I say –  my 15 year old Web 1.0 site has been completely redone in wordpress, with a special theme  thanks to our generous and special friends Mark and Becky Rabideau.  I get to learn a whole new technology, blog, share photos, dreams and realities.  This certainly is a Brave New World.